For the purposes of sections 110A.01 to 110A.36 the following terms have the definitions given in this section.
"Water user district" or "district" means a district organized under sections 110A.01 to 110A.36, either as originally organized or as reorganized, altered, or extended.
"Board" means the board of directors of a district organized under sections 110A.01 to 110A.36.
"Works" and "system" include all lands, property, rights, rights-of-way, easements, and related franchises deemed necessary or convenient for their operation, all water rights acquired or exercised by the board in connection with works, all means of conserving, controlling, and distributing water, including, but not limited to outlets, treatment plants, pumps, lift stations, service connections, mains, valves, hydrants, wells, reservoirs, tanks and other appurtenances of public water systems. A work or system may be used for domestic, commercial, industrial and stock watering purposes only and shall not be used for irrigation purposes.
"Project" means any one of the works defined, or any combination of works which are physically connected or jointly managed and operated as a single unit.
"City" means any home rule charter, statutory or other city, however organized.
"Court" means district court in the judicial district where the largest number of petitioners resides.
1978 c 744 s 2