(a) The operator of a vessel that is designed, constructed, or adapted to carry ballast water in state waters of Lake Superior shall conduct all ballast water management operations of the vessel according to a ballast water management plan that is designed to minimize the discharge of invasive species, meets the requirements prescribed by the commissioner under subdivision 2, and is approved by the commissioner.
(b) The owner or operator of a vessel required to have a ballast water management plan under paragraph (a) shall maintain a copy of the vessel's ballast water management plan on board at all times and keep the plan readily available for examination by the commissioner.
(a) The commissioner may not approve a ballast water management plan unless the commissioner determines that the plan:
(1) describes in detail the actions to be taken to implement ballast water management;
(2) describes in detail the procedures to be used for disposal of sediment at sea and on shore;
(3) describes in detail the safety procedures for the vessel and crew associated with ballast water management;
(4) designates the officer on board of the vessel in charge of ensuring that the plan is properly implemented;
(5) contains the reporting requirements for vessels as prescribed by the commissioner; and
(6) meets all other requirements prescribed by the commissioner.
(b) The commissioner may approve a ballast water management plan for a foreign vessel on the basis of a certificate of compliance with the criteria described in paragraph (a) issued by the vessel's country of registration according to standards established by the commissioner.
2008 c 357 s 28