(a) Each manufacturer who registers under section 115A.1312 must, by September 1, 2007, and each year thereafter, pay to the commissioner of revenue an annual registration fee. The commissioner of revenue must deposit the fee in the account established in subdivision 2.
(b) The registration fee for the initial program year during which a manufacturer's video display devices are sold to households is $5,000. Each year thereafter, the registration fee is equal to a base fee of $2,500, plus a variable recycling fee calculated according to the formula:
((A x B) - (C + D)) x E, where:
(1) A = the number of pounds of a manufacturer's video display devices sold to households during the previous program year, as reported to the department under section 115A.1316, subdivision 1;
(2) B = the proportion of sales of video display devices required to be recycled, set at 0.6 for the first program year and 0.8 for the second program year and every year thereafter;
(3) C = the number of pounds of covered electronic devices recycled by a manufacturer from households during the previous program year, as reported to the department under section 115A.1316, subdivision 1;
(4) D = the number of recycling credits a manufacturer elects to use to calculate the variable recycling fee, as reported to the department under section 115A.1316, subdivision 1; and
(5) E = the estimated per-pound cost of recycling, initially set at $0.50 per pound for manufacturers who recycle less than 50 percent of the product (A x B); $0.40 per pound for manufacturers who recycle at least 50 percent but less than 90 percent of the product (A x B); and $0.30 per pound for manufacturers who recycle at least 90 percent but less than 100 percent of the product (A x B).
(c) If, as specified in paragraph (b), the term C - (A x B) equals a positive number of pounds, that amount is defined as the manufacturer's recycling credits. A manufacturer may retain recycling credits to be added, in whole or in part, to the actual value of C, as reported under section 115A.1316, subdivision 2, during any succeeding program year, provided that no more than 25 percent of a manufacturer's obligation (A x B) for any program year may be met with recycling credits generated in a prior program year. A manufacturer may sell any portion or all of its recycling credits to another manufacturer, at a price negotiated by the parties, who may use the credits in the same manner.
(d) For the purpose of calculating a manufacturer's variable recycling fee under paragraph (b), the weight of covered electronic devices collected from households located outside the 11-county metropolitan area, as defined in subdivision 2, paragraph (c), is calculated at 1.5 times their actual weight.
(e) The registration fee for the initial program year and the base registration fee thereafter for a manufacturer who produces fewer than 100 video display devices for sale annually to households is $1,250.
(a) The electronic waste account is established in the environmental fund. The commissioner of revenue must deposit receipts from the fee established in subdivision 1 in the account. Any interest earned on the account must be credited to the account. Money from other sources may be credited to the account. Beginning in the second program year and continuing each program year thereafter, as of the last day of each program year, the commissioner shall determine the total amount of the variable fees that were collected. To the extent that the total fees collected by the commissioner in connection with this section exceed the amount the commissioner determines necessary to operate the program for the new program year, the commissioner shall refund on a pro rata basis, to all manufacturers who paid any fees for the previous program year, the amount of fees collected by the commissioner in excess of the amount necessary to operate the program for the new program year. No individual refund is required of amounts of $100 or less for a fiscal year. Manufacturers who report collections less than 50 percent of their obligation for the previous program year are not eligible for a refund.
(b) Until June 30, 2011, money in the account is annually appropriated to the Pollution Control Agency:
(1) for the purpose of implementing sections 115A.1312 to 115A.1330, including transfer to the commissioner of revenue to carry out the department's duties under section 115A.1320, subdivision 2, and transfer to the commissioner of administration for responsibilities under section 115A.1324; and
(2) to the commissioner of the Pollution Control Agency to be distributed on a competitive basis through contracts with counties outside the 11-county metropolitan area, as defined in paragraph (c), and with private entities that collect for recycling covered electronic devices in counties outside the 11-county metropolitan area, where the collection and recycling is consistent with the respective county's solid waste plan, for the purpose of carrying out the activities under sections 115A.1312 to 115A.1330. In awarding competitive grants under this clause, the commissioner must give preference to counties and private entities that are working cooperatively with manufacturers to help them meet their recycling obligations under section 115A.1318, subdivision 1.
(c) The 11-county metropolitan area consists of the counties of Anoka, Carver, Chisago, Dakota, Hennepin, Isanti, Ramsey, Scott, Sherburne, Washington, and Wright.
2007 c 48 s 3; 2008 c 366 art 14 s 1; 2009 c 37 art 1 s 41; 2009 c 42 s 1