Any person held jointly and severally liable under section 115B.04 has the right at trial to have the trier of fact apportion liability among the parties as provided in this section. The burden is on each defendant to show how that defendant's liability should be apportioned. The court shall reduce the amount of damages in proportion to any amount of liability apportioned to the party recovering.
In apportioning the liability of any party under this section, the trier of fact shall consider the following:
(1) the extent to which that party's contribution to the release of a hazardous substance can be distinguished;
(2) the amount of hazardous substance involved;
(3) the degree of toxicity of the hazardous substance involved;
(4) the degree of involvement of and care exercised by the party in manufacturing, treating, transporting, and disposing of the hazardous substance;
(5) the degree of cooperation by the party with federal, state, or local officials to prevent any harm to the public health or the environment; and
(6) knowledge by the party of the hazardous nature of the substance.
If a person is held jointly and severally liable under section 115B.04 and establishes a proportionate share of the aggregate liability, the provisions of section 604.02, subdivisions 1 and 2, shall apply with respect to contribution and reallocation of any uncollectible amounts.
1983 c 121 s 8; 1986 c 444