The legislature seeks to encourage the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency through the passage of sections 116.21 to 116.35, to set standards limiting the amount of nutrients in various cleaning agents and water conditioning agents. The legislature realizes that the nutrients contained in many of these products serve a valuable purpose in increasing their overall effectiveness, but we are also aware that they overstimulate the growth of aquatic life and eventually lead to an acceleration of the natural eutrophication process of our state's waters. Limitations imposed under sections 116.21 to 116.35 should, however, be made taking the following factors into consideration:
(1) the availability of safe, nonpolluting, and effective substitutes;
(2) the difference in the mineral content of water in various parts of the state; and
(3) the differing needs of industrial, commercial and household users of cleaning agents and chemical water conditioners.
1971 c 896 s 1