When one or more agencies notifies the coordination unit that a public hearing is required or appropriate on matters relating to the project described in the master application, the coordination unit shall set the time and place for a hearing in which each of the affected agencies shall participate. The hearing shall be held pursuant to the contested case provisions of chapter 14 and section 116C.27.
Each participating state agency shall be represented at the public hearing by its chief administrative officer or a designee. The representative of any state agency within whose jurisdiction a specific application lies shall participate in the portion of the hearing pertaining to submission of information, views, and supporting materials which are relevant to its application. The administrative law judge may, when appropriate, continue a hearing from time to time and place to place. The hearing shall be recorded in any manner suitable for transcription pursuant to chapter 14.
Within 60 days of receipt of the administrative law judge's report, each state agency which is a party to the hearing shall forward its final decision on permit applications within its jurisdiction to the coordination unit, provided that this date may be extended by the chair of the board for reasonable cause. Every final decision shall set forth the basis for the decision together with a final order denying the permit or granting the permit including the specifying of any conditions under which the permit is issued.
If notice has been published pursuant to section 116C.27, subdivision 2, and no public hearing is conducted, the coordination unit shall, not less than 30 days after the last notice publication in the newspaper, submit a copy of all views and supporting material received by it to each agency having jurisdiction concerning any permit application described in the notice. Concurrently therewith, the coordination unit shall notify each state agency, in writing, of the date not to exceed 60 days by which final decisions on applications shall be forwarded to the coordination unit; provided that this date may be extended by the chair of the board for reasonable cause. Each final decision shall set forth the information required by subdivision 3.
As soon as all final decisions are received by the coordination unit from the various participating state agencies, the coordination unit shall immediately incorporate them, without modification, into one document and shall transmit the document to the applicant either personally or by certified mail.
1975 c 271 s 6; 1976 c 303 s 7; 1978 c 674 s 60; 1982 c 424 s 130; 1984 c 640 s 32; 1986 c 444