The legislature recognizes that:
(1) the Minnesota Environmental Quality Board on May 16, 1991, reviewed and found adequate a final environmental impact statement ("EIS") on the proposal to construct and operate a dry cask storage facility for the temporary storage of spent nuclear fuel from the Prairie Island nuclear generating plant;
(2) the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission reviewed and approved a safety analysis report on the facility and on October 19, 1993, granted a license for the facility; and
(3) the Public Utilities Commission in Docket No. E002/CN-91-91 reviewed the facility and approved a limited certificate of need approving the use of casks.
The Minnesota legislature in compliance with section 116C.72, hereby ratifies and approves the EIS and the limited certificate of need and authorizes the use of casks at Prairie Island in accordance with the terms and conditions of the certificate of need as modified by Laws 1994, chapter 641, and without further environmental review under chapter 116D or further administrative review under section 216B.243.
1994 c 641 art 1 s 1