The commissioner of the Pollution Control Agency shall serve as Minnesota's voting member of the Interstate Commission. The commissioner shall tender the state's membership fee to the Interstate Commission by August 1, 1983, or, if the commission has not come into existence by August 1, 1983, when the first meeting of the commission is convened as provided in the compact.
In addition to other duties specified in sections 116C.833 to 116C.843, the commissioner shall report by January 31, 1997, and biennially thereafter, to the governor and the legislature concerning the activities of the Interstate Commission. The report shall include any recommendations the commissioner deems necessary to assure the protection of the interest of the state in the proper functioning of the compact. The commissioner also shall report to the governor and the legislature any time there is a change in the status of a host state or other party states in the compact.
1983 c 353 s 3; 1987 c 186 s 15; 1996 c 428 s 4