As used in sections 116C.91 to 116C.97, the terms defined in this section have the meanings given them.
"Board" means the Environmental Quality Board.
"Genetic engineering" means the introduction of new genetic material to an organism or the regrouping of an organism's genes using techniques or technology designed by humans. This does not include selective breeding, hybridization, or nondirected mutagenesis.
"Genetically engineered organism" means an organism derived from genetic engineering.
"Organism" means any animal, plant, bacterium, cyanobacterium, fungus, protist, or virus.
"Release" means the placement or use of a genetically engineered organism outside a contained laboratory, greenhouse, building, structure, or other similar facility or under any other conditions not specifically determined by the board to be adequately contained.
"Significant environmental permit" means a permit issued by a state agency with the authority to deny, modify, revoke, or place conditions on the permit in compliance with the requirements of sections 116C.91 to 116C.96, chapter 116D, and the rules adopted under them.
1989 c 346 s 2; 1991 c 250 s 28; 1994 c 454 s 9; 1997 c 7 art 1 s 38