By October 1, 2009, the commissioner of employment and economic development shall develop a uniform accountability report for economic development or workforce-related programs funded in whole or in part by state or federal funds. The commissioner shall also develop a formula for measuring the return on investment for each program and a comparison of the return on investment of all programs funded in whole or in part by state or federal funds. The requirements of this section apply to programs administered directly by the commissioner or administered by other employment organizations under a grant made by the department. The report and formula required by this subdivision shall be submitted to the chairs and ranking minority members of the committees of the house of representatives and senate having jurisdiction over economic development and workforce policy and finance by October 15, 2009, for review and comment.
By December 31 of each even-numbered year the commissioner must report to the chairs and the ranking minority members of the committees of the house of representatives and the senate having jurisdiction over economic development and workforce policy and finance the following information for each program subject to the requirements of subdivision 1:
(1) the target population;
(2) the number of jobs affected by the program, including the number of net new jobs created in the state and the average annual wage per job;
(3) the number of individuals leaving the unemployment compensation program as a result of the program;
(4) the number of individuals leaving the Minnesota Family Investment Program support as a result of the program;
(5) the region of the state in which the program operated;
(6) the amount of state or federal funds allocated to the program;
(7) the return on investment as calculated by the formula developed by the commissioner; and
(8) the dollar amount and percentage of the total grant used for administrative expenses.
A recipient of a grant made by or through the department must report to the commissioner by September 1 of each even-numbered year on each of the items in subdivision 2 for each program it administers. The report must be in a format prescribed by the commissioner.
Beginning November 1, 2009, the commissioner shall provide notice to grant applicants and recipients regarding the data collection and reporting requirements under this subdivision and must provide technical assistance to applicants and recipients to assist in complying with the requirements of this subdivision.
The information collected and reported under subdivisions 2 and 3 shall be included in budgets submitted to the legislature under section 16A.11.
2009 c 78 art 2 s 20