An organization that is awarded a grant shall prepare and submit an annual report to the commissioner by September 1 of each year. The report must include a discussion of the following:
(1) the process used for encouraging the participation of the targeted youth in the geographic area surrounding the organization receiving the grant;
(2) the support services and social services that targeted youth received under the program. Services may include client needs assessment, preemployment skills such as basic job skills and behavior, and intermediate needs such as education and chemical dependency treatment;
(3) the type and degree of work experience that program participants received, including real work experience in both vocational and nonvocational settings;
(4) the amount of training subsidy or stipend that each participant received while participating in the work experience component. The subsidy or stipend must reflect prevailing wage and benefits standards appropriate for preapprenticeship training unless a participant's receipt of public assistance is affected. The subsidy or stipend should be structured to include incentives for progress toward increasing job skills and completing secondary education;
(5) the means of providing the necessary job readiness skills to program participants who have completed the work experience and educational components of the program so they have the ability to compete in the job market. These job search skills may include skills assessment, job search and selection, application preparation and assistance in preparing for job interviews;
(6) the methods used to assist in placing program participants in suitable employment. The methods should include means of involving state government, businesses, labor organizations, community groups, and local jurisdictions in assisting in the placement;
(7) the process used for evaluating the program, including the necessary data elements collected from program participants after they have completed the program for monitoring the success of the program;
(8) the method used to maximize parental involvement in the program;
(9) the existing public and private programs that were utilized by the program to avoid duplication of services;
(10) the regional characteristics that affected the operation of the program in the specific region where the organization is located;
(11) the means of addressing the special needs of priority groups of targeted youth, including:
(i) persons who are responsible for at least one dependent;
(ii) persons who are pregnant;
(iii) persons who are or have been subject to any stage of the criminal justice system and who may benefit from receiving employment and training services in overcoming barriers to employment resulting from a record of arrest or conviction;
(iv) persons receiving income maintenance services and social services, including chemical dependency treatment, vocational rehabilitation services, and protection services;
(v) persons who reside on a farm who personally derive or whose family derives a substantial portion of their income from farming, lack nonfarm work skills, or have limited access to vocational education or work experience opportunities;
(vi) homeless youth; and
(vii) minors who that are not financially dependent on a parent or a guardian;
(12) costs for each of the components of the program; and
(13) the identification of the funding sources other than state appropriations that were used to support the program.
1988 c 686 art 3 s 6; 1989 c 328 art 7 s 6; 2004 c 206 s 52