(a) Unless prohibited by federal law or otherwise determined by state law, a local service unit is responsible for the delivery of employment and training services. Employment and training services may be delivered by certified employment and training service providers.
(b) The local service unit's employment and training service provider must meet the certification standards in this subdivision if the county requests that they be certified to deliver any of the following employment and training services and programs: wage subsidies; general assistance grant diversion; food stamp employment and training programs; community work experience programs; and MFIP employment services.
(c) The commissioner shall certify a local service unit's service provider to provide these employment and training services and programs if the commissioner determines that the provider has:
(1) past experience in direct delivery of the programs specified in paragraph (b);
(2) staff capabilities and qualifications, including adequate staff to provide timely and effective services to clients, and proven staff experience in providing specific services such as assessments, career planning, job development, job placement, support services, and knowledge of community services and educational resources;
(3) demonstrated effectiveness in providing services to public assistance recipients and other economically disadvantaged clients; and
(4) demonstrated administrative capabilities, including adequate fiscal and accounting procedures, financial management systems, participant data systems, and record retention procedures.
(d) When the only service provider that meets the criterion in paragraph (c), clause (1), has been decertified, according to subdivision 1a, in that local service unit, the following criteria shall be substituted: past experience in direct delivery of multiple, coordinated, nonduplicative services, including outreach, assessments, identification of client barriers, employability development plans, and provision or referral to support services.
(a) The department, on its own initiative, or at the request of the local service unit, shall begin decertification processes for employment and training service providers who:
(1) no longer meet one or more of the certification standards;
(2) are delivering services in a manner that does not comply with the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, Public Law 104-193, or relevant state law after corrective actions have been cited, technical assistance has been provided, and a reasonable period of time for remedial action has been provided; or
(3) are not complying with other state and federal laws or policy which are necessary for effective delivery of services.
(b) The initiating of decertification processes shall not result in decertification of the service provider unless and until adequate fact-finding and investigation has been performed by the department.
The local service units shall provide for the enforcement of employment and training requirements for appropriate recipients of public assistance, and must include provisions for enforcing the requirements in any contracts with providers under subdivision 1.
1Sp1985 c 9 art 2 s 103; 1Sp1985 c 14 art 9 s 67; 1987 c 403 art 2 s 143; art 3 s 55-57; 1989 c 282 art 5 s 126; 1990 c 568 art 4 s 74-76; 1993 c 306 s 17; 1994 c 483 s 1; 1997 c 85 art 4 s 31; 1999 c 159 s 123; 2001 c 79 s 5,6; 2004 c 206 s 52; 2009 c 78 art 2 s 26