(a) Financial assistance may be provided to sole proprietorships, corporations, other entities, or nonprofit organizations. Financial assistance includes, but is not limited to, assisting a qualified company or organization with business services and products that will enhance the operations of the entity.
(b) Preference and priority will be given to business entities that are expanding their operations in Minnesota. Priority will be assigned to:
(1) projects whose return, in economic benefits, are most substantial and clear;
(2) projects whose outcomes are best accelerated through internal resources of the corporation; and
(3) companies and organizations not typically able to leverage external assistance.
(c) The corporation may enter into agreements with, or solicit grants from, other organizations to jointly promote:
(1) business improvements;
(2) the application of technology, energy conservation, new product development, and other initiatives leading to economic development; and
(3) job creation.
2008 c 290 s 11