At any time within 40 days from the date that the report has been filed, any party to the proceedings may appeal to the district court from any award of damages embraced in the report, or from any omission to award damages, by: (1) filing with the court administrator a notice of such appeal, and (2) serving by mail a copy of such notice on all respondents and all other parties to the proceedings having an interest in any parcel described in the appeal who are shown in the petitioner's affidavit of mailing, required by section 117.115, subdivision 2, as having been mailed a notice of the report of the commissioners.
If any notice of appeal is filed, any other party may appeal within 50 days from the date that the report was filed by: (1) filing with the court administrator a notice of the appeal; and (2) serving the notice of appeal by mail, as provided in this section. Service by mail is deemed effective upon deposit of the notice in the United States mail, by first class mail, with postage prepaid, and addressed to each person served at the address shown in the petitioner's affidavit of mailing required by section 117.115, subdivision 2. Proof of service by mail of a notice of appeal shall be filed with the court administrator promptly following the mailing of any notice of appeal. The notice of appeal shall specify the particular award or failure to award appealed from, the nature and amount of the claim, the land to which it relates, and grounds of the appeal, and if applicable, the notice required in section 117.086.
1971 c 595 s 18; 1Sp1986 c 3 art 1 s 82; 1995 c 106 s 3