The purpose of the endowed chair program is to increase curriculum offerings and learning experiences available to students.
A school site, represented by the school site council or, if no site council exists, the principal or lead teacher, and the party interested in endowing a chair may enter into an agreement for an endowed chair for no longer than one year in length. The party endowing the chair and the school site may, at their discretion, renew annually.
An endowed chair program may be for a semester, a summer session, or a full school year. Curriculum developed or provided under the endowed chair program must supplement the existing curriculum offerings available at the school in the particular subject chosen.
The agreement must make available funds sufficient for the salary and benefit costs of the instructor, and necessary supplies for the course. The participating site must provide the classroom space and administer the program. The parties, in consultation with the school district and the exclusive representative of the teachers, jointly select the instructor for the endowed chair.
1996 c 412 art 8 s 9; 1998 c 397 art 6 s 124