(a) A district with a career and technical program approved under this section for the fiscal year in which the levy is certified may levy an amount equal to the lesser of:
(1) $80 times the district's average daily membership in grades 10 through 12 for the fiscal year in which the levy is certified; or
(2) 25 percent of approved expenditures in the fiscal year in which the levy is certified for the following:
(i) salaries paid to essential, licensed personnel providing direct instructional services to students in that fiscal year for services rendered in the district's approved career and technical education programs;
(ii) contracted services provided by a public or private agency other than a Minnesota school district or cooperative center under subdivision 7;
(iii) necessary travel between instructional sites by licensed career and technical education personnel;
(iv) necessary travel by licensed career and technical education personnel for vocational student organization activities held within the state for instructional purposes;
(v) curriculum development activities that are part of a five-year plan for improvement based on program assessment;
(vi) necessary travel by licensed career and technical education personnel for noncollegiate credit-bearing professional development; and
(vii) specialized vocational instructional supplies.
(b) Up to ten percent of a district's career and technical levy may be spent on equipment purchases. Districts using the career and technical levy for equipment purchases must report to the department on the improved learning opportunities for students that result from the investment in equipment.
(c) The district must recognize the full amount of this levy as revenue for the fiscal year in which it is certified.
For purposes of this section, a cooperative center or an intermediate district must allocate its approved expenditures for career and technical education programs among participating districts.
Notwithstanding subdivision 1, the career and technical education levy for a district is not less than the lesser of:
(1) the district's career and technical education levy authority for the previous fiscal year; or
(2) 100 percent of the approved expenditures for career and technical programs included in subdivision 1, paragraph (b), for the fiscal year in which the levy is certified.
Each district or cooperative center must report data to the department for all career and technical education programs as required by the department to implement the career and technical levy formula.
For purposes of this section, a district with a career and technical program approved under this section that participates in an agreement under section 123A.30 or 123A.32 must allocate its levy authority under this section among participating districts.
1Sp2005 c 5 art 2 s 66; 2009 c 88 art 2 s 1