All receipts of any kind generated to operate student activities, including student fees, donations and contributions, and gate receipts must be deposited in the state treasury. The receipts are appropriated annually to the Minnesota State Academies for student activities purposes. They are not subject to budgetary control by the commissioner of management and budget.
The money appropriated in subdivision 1 to the Minnesota State Academies for student activities must be credited to a Minnesota State Academies' student activities account and may be spent only for Minnesota State Academies' student activities purposes.
An unexpended balance in the Minnesota State Academies' student activities account may be carried over from the first fiscal year of the biennium into the second fiscal year of the biennium and from one biennium to the next. The amount carried over must not be taken into account in determining state appropriations and must not be deducted from a later appropriation.
Any money generated by a Minnesota State Academies' student activity that involves:
(1) state employees who are receiving compensation for their involvement with the activity;
(2) the use of state facilities; or
(3) money raised for student activities in the name of the Minnesota State Academies
is specifically included among the kinds of receipts that are described in subdivision 1.
1993 c 224 art 11 s 5; 1999 c 241 art 2 s 33; 2009 c 101 art 2 s 109