The following data collected, created and maintained by a community action agency in a study of the impact of foster care policies on families are classified as confidential data, pursuant to section 13.02, subdivision 3: names of persons interviewed; foster care placement plans obtained from other public and private agencies; and all information gathered during interviews with study participants.
The foster care policy redesign commission and the foster care review team created by the Hennepin County board of commissioners to review the foster care system shall have access to not public data as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 13.02, subdivision 8a, as provided in this section. The commission and the team shall have access to not public data on foster care cases. Access is limited to records created, collected, or maintained by any local social services agency that provided services to a child or a child's family during the five years immediately preceding any out-of-home placement of the child and continuing throughout the period of the placement until the child was returned to the custody of a parent, adopted, or otherwise was no longer the subject of a case plan developed by a county social service agency. A county social service agency shall provide the not public data described in this section to the foster care review team or the foster care policy redesign commissioner upon request.
Not public data received by the foster care review team or the Foster Care Policy Redesign Commission maintains the same classification in the possession of the team or commission as it had in the possession of the entity providing the data. Not public data received under this section shall be returned to the entity providing it upon completion of the work of the foster care policy redesign commission and the foster care review team.
1981 c 311 s 28,39; 1982 c 545 s 24; 1999 c 227 s 22