Each public postsecondary governing board shall have a policy to provide for the needs of enrolled or admitted students on its campuses who have disabilities under section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Public Law 93-112. Governing boards of private postsecondary institutions are requested to develop similar policies.
Each policy shall include a list of services each campus must make available to any student who, through a recent assessment, can document a disability. The following three services must be included in the policy:
(1) support, counseling, and information that may include support groups, individual counseling, career counseling and assessment, and referral services;
(2) academic assistance services that may include early registration services, early syllabus availability, course selection and program advising, coursework and testing assistance and modification, and tutoring; and
(3) advocacy services that may include a designated ombudsman serving as the primary contact and coordinator for students needing services, assistance in working individually with faculty and administrators, intervention procedures, and grievance procedures.
The policy and related information must be readily available to enrolled students and applicants for admission. At a minimum, information on services, including a contact person and location, must be included in the campus catalog and in the schedule of course offerings each term.
1991 c 173 s 1