(a) In order to ensure the payment of the principal of and interest on bonds and notes of the office and the continued maintenance of the loan capital fund under section 136A.1785, the office shall annually determine and certify to the governor, on or before December 1, the amount, if any:
(1) needed to restore the loan capital fund to the minimum amount required by a resolution or indenture relating to any bonds or notes of the office, not exceeding the maximum amount of principal and interest to become due and payable in any subsequent year on all bonds or notes which are then outstanding;
(2) determined by the office to be needed in the immediately ensuing fiscal year, with other funds pledged and estimated to be received during that year, for the payment of the principal and interest due and payable in that year on all outstanding bonds and notes; and
(3) needed to restore any debt service reserve fund securing any outstanding bonds or notes of the office to the amount required in a resolution or indenture relating to such outstanding bonds or notes.
(b) The governor shall include and submit the amounts certified by the office in accordance with this section to the legislature in the governor's budget for the following fiscal year, or in a governor's supplemental budget if the regular budget for that year has previously been approved.
2009 c 95 art 2 s 22