The Labor Interpretive Center is a public corporation of the state and is not subject to the laws governing a state agency except as provided in this chapter.
The purpose of the Labor Interpretive Center is to celebrate the contribution of working people to the past, present, and future of Minnesota; to spur an interest among the people of Minnesota in their own family and community traditions of work; to help young people discover their work skills and opportunities for a productive working life; and to advance the teaching of work and labor studies in schools and colleges.
The center is governed by a board of ten directors. The membership terms, compensation, removal, and filling of vacancies of members of the board are as provided in section 15.0575. Membership of the board consists of:
(1) three directors appointed by the governor;
(2) one director appointed by the mayor of St. Paul, subject to the approval of the city council;
(3) three directors appointed by the speaker of the house; and
(4) three directors appointed by the Subcommittee on Committees of the senate Committee on Rules and Administration.
Directors must be representatives of labor, business, state and local government, local education authorities, and arts groups. The chairs of the senate Committee on Jobs, Energy, and Community Development and the house of representatives Committee on Labor-Management Relations shall serve as nonvoting members.
The board shall select a chair of the board from its members, and any other officers of the board deemed necessary.
The center must be located in the Capitol area of St. Paul as defined in section 15B.02, at the site recommended by the Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board.
The board shall meet at least twice a year and may hold additional meetings upon giving notice. Board meetings are subject to chapter 13D.
A director, employee, or officer of the center may not participate in or vote on a decision of the board relating to a matter in which the director has either a direct or indirect financial interest or a conflict of interest as described in section 10A.07.
The center is a state agency for purposes of section 3.736.
1993 c 369 s 60; 2003 c 17 s 2