A record of birth for each birth resulting in a stillbirth in this state, on or after August 1, 2005, for which a fetal death report is required under section 144.222, subdivision 1, shall be filed with the state registrar within five days after the birth if the parent or parents of the stillbirth request to have a record of birth resulting in stillbirth prepared.
The party responsible for filing a fetal death report under section 144.222, subdivision 1, shall advise the parent or parents of a stillbirth:
(1) that they may request preparation of a record of birth resulting in stillbirth;
(2) that preparation of the record is optional; and
(3) how to obtain a certified copy of the record if one is requested and prepared.
(a) Within five days after delivery of a stillbirth, the parent or parents of the stillbirth may prepare and file the record with the state registrar if the parent or parents of the stillbirth, after being advised as provided in subdivision 2, request to have a record of birth resulting in stillbirth prepared.
(b) If the parent or parents of the stillbirth do not choose to provide a full name for the stillbirth, the parent or parents may choose to file only a last name.
(c) Either parent of the stillbirth or, if neither parent is available, another person with knowledge of the facts of the stillbirth shall attest to the accuracy of the personal data entered on the record in time to permit the filing of the record within five days after delivery.
Notwithstanding subdivisions 1 to 3, if a birth that occurred in this state at any time resulted in a stillbirth for which a fetal death report was required under section 144.222, subdivision 1, but a record of birth resulting in stillbirth was not prepared under subdivision 3, a parent of the stillbirth may submit to the state registrar, on or after August 1, 2005, a written request for preparation of a record of birth resulting in stillbirth and evidence of the facts of the stillbirth in the form and manner specified by the state registrar. The state registrar shall prepare and file the record of birth resulting in stillbirth within 30 days after receiving satisfactory evidence of the facts of the stillbirth.
The state registrar shall:
(1) prescribe the form of and information to be included on a record of birth resulting in stillbirth, which shall be as similar as possible to the form of and information included on a record of birth;
(2) prescribe the form of and information to be provided by the parent of a stillbirth requesting a record of birth resulting in stillbirth under subdivisions 3 and 4 and make this form available on the Department of Health's Web site;
(3) issue a certified copy of a record of birth resulting in stillbirth to a parent of the stillbirth that is the subject of the record if:
(i) a record of birth resulting in stillbirth has been prepared and filed under subdivision 3 or 4; and
(ii) the parent requesting a certified copy of the record submits the request in writing; and
(4) create and implement a process for entering, preparing, and handling stillbirth records identical or as close as possible to the processes for birth and fetal death records when feasible, but no later than the date on which the next reprogramming of the Department of Health's database for vital records is completed.
2005 c 60 s 1