An eligible individual shall receive vouchers for the purchase of specified nutritional supplements in type and quantity approved by the commissioner. Alternate forms of delivery may be developed by the commissioner in appropriate cases.
An individual shall be eligible for nutritional supplements who is not receiving a similar supplement under any federal, state, or local program and
(a) Is pregnant or lactating; or
(b) Is an infant or a child; and
(c) Is eligible for or a recipient of any form of public assistance authorized by law and is certified by the local health agency to be a nutritional risk; or
(d) Is certified by the local health agency to be a nutritional risk and is without sufficient resources to purchase necessary nutritional supplements.
Eligibility for nutritional supplements shall cease upon certification by the local health agency that the individual is no longer a nutritional risk, but in no case later than:
(a) For lactating women, 12 months after the birth of a surviving child; and
(b) For children, at five years of age.
1975 c 346 s 3; 1977 c 305 s 45; 1978 c 762 s 5