(a) An employer must not adopt or enforce any rule or policy forbidding an employee to disclose information to the state, a political subdivision, or a law enforcement agency, or to act in furtherance of an action under this chapter, including investigation for, bringing, or testifying in the action.
(b) An employer must not discharge, demote, suspend, threaten, harass, deny promotion to, or otherwise discriminate against an employee in the terms or conditions of employment because of lawful acts done by the employee on the employee's behalf or on behalf of others in disclosing information to the state, a political subdivision, or a law enforcement agency in furtherance of an action under this chapter, including investigation for bringing or testifying in the action.
(c) An employer who violates this section is liable to the affected employee in a civil action for damages and other relief, including reinstatement, twice the amount of lost compensation, interest on the lost compensation, any special damage sustained as a result of the discrimination, and punitive damages if appropriate. The employer is also liable for expenses recoverable under section 15C.12, including costs and attorney fees.
2009 c 101 art 2 s 37