No contract for the construction or improvement of any road by a county or town in which the contract price exceeds the amount for which sealed bids are required as provided in section 471.345 shall be let unless the plans and specifications for the construction or improvement of the county or county state-aid highway are on file in the office of the county auditor and a true copy of them available for reference in the office of the county highway engineer, and the plans and specifications for the construction or improvement of the town road are on file with the town clerk.
No county or town road contract for construction or improvement exceeding the amount for which sealed bids are required as provided in section 471.345 shall be let without first advertising for bids in a newspaper of general circulation published in the county where the construction or improvement is proposed to be done. The advertisement shall be published once a week for three successive weeks in the case of a county contract and two successive weeks in the case of a town contract, the last publication to be made at least ten days before the time fixed for receiving bids and letting the contract. It shall specify, generally, the work to be done, the place where the plans and specifications are on file, and the time and place of receiving bids and awarding the contract.
As an alternative to the procurement method referenced in subdivision 2, counties or towns may issue a request for proposal and award the contract to the vendor or contractor offering the best value as described in section 16C.28, subdivision 1, paragraph (a), clause (2), and paragraph (c).
A county or town board shall not make final payment on any road construction or improvement contract, the amount for which sealed bids are required under section 471.345, until the engineer or person in charge of the work has certified to the county board or the town board, as the case may be, that the work has been done and performed according to contract and the certificate has been filed in the office of the county auditor or town clerk.
[Repealed, 2004 c 209 s 2]
1959 c 500 art 1 s 17; 1969 c 613 s 1,2; 1984 c 562 s 6,7; 1985 c 169 s 1; 1987 c 227 s 1; 2004 c 209 s 1; 2007 c 148 art 3 s 14