For the purpose of draining public roads and preventing accumulations of water in road ditches, the overflow of which may damage adjacent lands, the various authorities having supervision over public roads, in addition to all other powers granted to said authorities, are authorized and empowered to expend moneys from funds available therefor in repairing, cleaning out, deepening, widening and improving public road ditches within the jurisdiction and supervision of such authorities. The necessity for such work shall be determined by the authorities which now have the supervision of said public roads; provided, that before said work may be done said road supervising authority shall determine that said road ditch as so improved will be provided with an adequate outlet.
The county board of any county now or hereafter owning machinery or equipment used in the construction and maintenance of ditches may lease such machinery and its incidental appliances to municipalities within such county upon such rate of rental and upon such terms and conditions as the county board may prescribe.
1945 c 36