The legislature determines that it is in the interests of the public health, safety and welfare, to provide for the addition of bicycle and recreational vehicle lanes to proposed and existing public highways. The commissioner of transportation shall adopt, in the manner provided in chapter 14, model standards for the establishment of recreational vehicle lanes on and along proposed and existing public highways. The model standards shall include but not be limited to the following: (a) criteria for desirability of a lane in any given location, (b) provision for maintenance of the lanes, and (c) the placement of the lanes in relation to roads. The model standards shall govern state trunk highways.
Each county and municipality including towns having statutory city powers may adopt the model standards to govern highways under its jurisdiction and may adapt them to local circumstances. Such local regulations shall be submitted to the commissioner of transportation who shall approve them within 60 days after receipt upon finding that they meet the minimum standards established pursuant to this section. Approved local regulations shall qualify the submitting unit of government for state or state-approved funding of recreational vehicle lane projects undertaken pursuant to such regulations.
The following departments and agencies shall cooperate in providing information and advice for amendments to the model standards by the commissioner of transportation: the Departments of Agriculture, Transportation, Natural Resources, Commerce, and Employment and Economic Development, and the Board of Water and Soil Resources. The commissioner may cooperate with and enter into agreements with the United States government, any department of the state of Minnesota, any unit of local government and any public or private corporation in order to effect the purposes of this section.
For streets and highways, the commissioner shall allow for the acceptance of performance-specification bids, made by the lowest responsible bidder, for constructing design-build bridges for bicycle paths, bicycle trails, and pedestrian facilities that are:
(1) designed and used primarily for nonmotorized transportation, but may allow for motorized wheelchairs, golf carts, necessary maintenance vehicles and, when otherwise permitted by law, rule, or ordinance, snowmobiles; and
(2) located apart from any road or highway or protected by barriers, provided that a design-built bridge may cross over and above a road or highway.
As an alternative to the procurement method described in subdivision 4, the commissioner may allow for the award of design-build contracts for the projects described in subdivision 4 to the vendor or contractor offering the best value under a request for proposals as described in section 16C.28, subdivision 1, paragraph (a), clause (2), and paragraph (c).
1973 c 123 art 5 s 7; 1973 c 620 s 1; 1975 c 271 s 6; 1976 c 149 s 59; 1976 c 166 s 7; 1981 c 356 s 177,178; 1982 c 424 s 130; 1983 c 289 s 115 subd 1; 1986 c 444; 1987 c 312 art 1 s 26 subd 2; 1987 c 358 s 34; 1987 c 384 art 3 s 42; 1994 c 635 art 1 s 1; 1Sp2001 c 4 art 6 s 77; 1Sp2003 c 4 s 1; 2007 c 148 art 3 s 15