A development agreement must include the following provisions:
(a) The toll facility must meet the road authority's standards of design and construction for roads and bridges of the same functional classification.
(b) The commissioner must review and approve the location and design of a bridge over navigable waters as if the bridge were constructed by a road authority. This requirement does not diminish the private operator's responsibility for bridge safety.
(c) The private operator shall manage and operate the toll facility in cooperation with the road authority and subject to the development agreement.
(d) The toll facility is subject to regular inspections by the road authority and the commissioner.
(e) The agreement must provide the terms and conditions of maintenance, snow removal, and police services to the toll facility. The road authority must provide the services. The services must meet at least the road authority's standards for facilities of the same functional classification.
(f) The agreement must establish a reasonable rate of return on investment and capital during the term of the agreement.
1993 c 211 s 3