For the purpose of this section and section 16B.322, the terms defined in this section have the meanings given them.
"Energy improvement project" means:
(1) a project to improve energy efficiency in a building or facility, including the design, acquisition, installation, construction, and commissioning of equipment or improvements to a building or facility owned or operated by a state agency, and training of building or facility staff necessary to properly operate and maintain the equipment or improvements; or
(2) a project to design, acquire, install, construct, and commission equipment or products to utilize solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, or other alternative energy sources in heating, cooling, or providing electricity for a building or facility owned or operated by a state agency and training of building or facility staff necessary to properly operate and maintain the equipment or improvements.
"Energy project study" means a technical and financial study of one or more energy improvement projects, including:
(1) an analysis of historical energy consumption and cost data;
(2) a description of existing equipment, structural elements, operating characteristics, and other conditions affecting energy use;
(3) a description of the proposed energy improvement projects;
(4) a detailed budget for the proposed project; and
(5) calculations sufficient to demonstrate the expected energy and operational cost savings and reduction in fossil-fuel use.
"Financing agreement" means a tax-exempt lease-purchase agreement entered into by the commissioner of administration and a financial institution under a standard project financing agreement offered under section 16B.322, subdivision 4.
"State agency" means any office, board, commission, authority, department, or other agency of the executive branch of state government.
2008 c 356 s 1