For purposes of sections 16B.93 to 16B.96, the terms in this section have the meanings given them.
"Contractor" means an individual, business entity, or other private organization that is awarded a contract by the commissioner to negotiate and administer the price contracts for prescription drugs under section 16B.94, subdivision 2.
"Nongovernmental Pharmaceutical Contracting Alliance" or "Nongovernmental Alliance" means the alliance established and administered by the commissioner under the authority granted in section 16B.94.
"Manufacturer" means a manufacturer as defined under section 151.44, paragraph (c).
"Prescription drug" means a drug as defined in section 151.44, paragraph (d).
"Purchaser" means a pharmacy as defined in section 151.01, subdivision 2, including pharmacies operated by health maintenance organizations and hospitals.
"Seller" means a person, other than a manufacturer, who sells or distributes drugs to purchasers or other sellers within the state.
1997 c 202 art 2 s 27