A person may not conduct a release of a genetically engineered agriculturally related organism until a permit for the release has been obtained from the commissioner. Each release of a genetically engineered agriculturally related organism requires a new permit until the commissioner determines by rule that the proposed use of the agriculturally related organism is no longer subject to regulation under this chapter.
(a) After reviewing a completed application, the commissioner may issue a genetically engineered agriculturally related organism permit if the commissioner determines that the applicant has adequately demonstrated that the proposed release does not have the potential for unreasonable adverse effects on the environment. The commissioner may prescribe terms and conditions including, but not limited to, the period for the genetically engineered agriculturally related organism permit, the amount or number of genetically engineered agriculturally related organisms to be used, monitoring activities, department inspection schedules, reporting of experiment results, and experiment termination procedures. A person may not violate terms or conditions of a permit issued under this section. After a genetically engineered agriculturally related organism permit is issued, the commissioner may revoke or change the permit at any time if the commissioner finds that its terms or conditions are being violated or are inadequate to avoid unreasonable adverse effects on the environment.
(b) The commissioner may deny issuance of a genetically engineered agriculturally related organism permit if the commissioner determines that the use to be made of the agriculturally related organisms under the proposed terms and conditions may cause unreasonable adverse effects on the environment.
A person shall file an application for a genetically engineered agriculturally related organism permit with the commissioner. The application must include:
(1) the name and address of the applicant;
(2) any United States Environmental Protection Agency, United States Department of Agriculture, or other federal agency regulatory application or approval document, if required under federal law or rule;
(3) the purpose or objectives of the agriculturally related organism;
(4) the name, address, and telephone number of cooperators or participants in this state;
(5) the amount or number of organisms, materials, cultures, or seeds to be shipped or used in this state; and
(6) other information requested by the commissioner.
An application for a permit for a genetically engineered agriculturally related organism must be accompanied by a nonrefundable application fee of $125.
1991 c 250 s 4; 1994 c 454 s 6