Notwithstanding the provisions of section 32.21, milk from which the cream has been removed, if such milk is otherwise wholesome and unadulterated, may be sold as such to makers of skimmed milk cheese, and by licensed dealers; but in the latter case only from vessels legibly marked "skimmed milk" in plain, common black letters upon a light colored background, each letter being at least one inch high and one-half inch wide, and these words being placed on the top or side of such vessel. These requirements shall not apply to skimmed or separated milk delivered to any patron of a creamery who furnishes milk thereto, but all skimmed milk from creameries and all whey from cheese factories so delivered to patrons shall first be pasteurized at a minimum temperature of 145 degrees Fahrenheit for not less than 30 minutes, or at a minimum temperature of 180 degrees Fahrenheit for continuous flow pasteurization.
(3812) 1921 c 495 s 23