Every license, unless previously revoked, shall remain in force until January immediately following the date of its issue, and every employment agent and counselor shall, upon the filing of a new application and upon payment of the amount of the license fee required and the filing of a new bond, and complying in all respects with the lawful requirements, have issued to it a license for the ensuing year, unless the department shall refuse to do so for any of the reasons stated in this chapter. Applications for the renewal of an agency license shall be in the office of the Department of Labor and Industry no later than 30 days prior to the expiration of the license and must be accompanied by the remittance prescribed by law, a bond filing fee, and a surety bond in the amount of $10,000.
1967 c 884 s 12; 1971 c 95 s 6; 1974 c 423 s 7