The Veterans Health Care Advisory Council is established to provide the Department of Veterans Affairs with advice and recommendations on providing veterans with quality long-term care and the anticipated future needs of Minnesota veterans.
(a) The council consists of nine public members appointed by the governor. The council members are:
(1) seven members with extensive expertise in health care delivery, long-term care, and veterans services;
(2) one licensed clinician who may be either a physician, physician's assistant, or a nurse practitioner; and
(3) one additional member.
(b) The governor shall designate a member to serve as the chair.
(c) The commissioner of veterans affairs, or the commissioner's designee, is an ex officio, nonvoting member of the council and shall provide necessary and appropriate administrative and technical support to the council.
(d) Membership terms, removal of members, and the filling of vacancies are as provided in section 15.059, subdivisions 2 and 4. Members shall not receive compensation or per diem payments, but may receive reimbursement for expenses pursuant to section 15.059, subdivision 3.
The council is an advisory group with the responsibility of providing the commissioner of veterans affairs with information and professional expertise on the delivery of quality long-term care to veterans. The council's duties include:
(1) developing a new vision and strategic plan for the veterans homes that complements the Department of Veterans Affairs overall veterans service programs;
(2) providing recommendations and advice on matters including clinical performance, systemwide quality improvement efforts, culture and working environment of the veterans homes, and other operational and organizational functions of the veterans homes;
(3) studying and reviewing current issues and trends in the long-term care industry and the veterans community;
(4) providing recommendations to the commissioner on alternative options for the delivery of long-term care to veterans so that veterans and their families can determine appropriate services under models similar to those available in the community;
(5) establishing, as appropriate, subcommittees or ad hoc task forces of council members, stakeholders, and other individuals with expertise or experience to address specific issues; and
(6) reviewing and providing advice on any other matter at the request of the commissioner.
Notwithstanding section 15.059, subdivision 4, the council expires June 30, 2013.
2008 c 297 art 2 s 11