Pursuant to the Help America Vote Act of 2002, Public Law 107-252, the commissioner of health shall report monthly by electronic means to the secretary of state the name, address, date of birth, and county of residence of each individual 18 years of age or older who has died while maintaining residence in Minnesota since the last previous report. The secretary of state shall determine if any of the persons listed in the report are registered to vote and shall prepare a list of those registrants for each county auditor. Within 60 days after receiving the list from the secretary of state, the county auditor shall change the status of those registrants to "deceased" in the statewide voter registration system.
The secretary of state shall determine if any of the persons listed on the Social Security Death Index are registered to vote and prepare a list of those registrants for each county auditor. The county auditor shall change the status of those registrants to "deceased" in the statewide voter registration system.
After receiving notice of death of a voter who has died outside the county, the county auditor shall change the voter's status to "deceased." Notice must be in the form of a printed obituary or a written statement signed by a registered Minnesota voter.
(a) At least once each month the secretary of state shall obtain a list of individuals registered to vote in this state who have filed with the United States Postal Service a change of their permanent address. However, the secretary of state shall not load data derived from this list into the statewide voter registration system within the 47 days before the state primary or 47 days before a November general election.
(b) If the address is changed to another address in this state, the secretary of state shall locate the precinct in which the voter resides, if possible. If the secretary of state is able to locate the precinct in which the voter resides, the secretary must transmit the information about the changed address by electronic means to the county auditor of the county in which the new address is located. If the voter has not voted or submitted a voter registration application since the address change, upon receipt of the information, the county auditor shall update the voter's address in the statewide voter registration system. The county auditor shall mail to the voter a notice stating the voter's name, address, precinct, and polling place, unless the voter's record is challenged due to a felony conviction, noncitizenship, name change, incompetence, or a court's revocation of voting rights of individuals under guardianship, in which case the auditor must not mail the notice. The notice must advise the voter that the voter's voting address has been changed and that the voter must notify the county auditor within 21 days if the new address is not the voter's address of residence. The notice must state that it must be returned if it is not deliverable to the voter at the named address.
(c) If the change of permanent address is to an address outside this state, the secretary of state shall notify by electronic means the auditor of the county where the voter formerly resided that the voter has moved to another state. If the voter has not voted or submitted a voter registration application since the address change, the county auditor shall promptly mail to the voter at the voter's new address a notice advising the voter that the voter's status in the statewide voter registration system will be changed to "inactive" unless the voter notifies the county auditor within 21 days that the voter is retaining the former address as the voter's address of residence, except that if the voter's record is challenged due to a felony conviction, noncitizenship, name change, incompetence, or a court's revocation of voting rights of individuals under guardianship, the auditor must not mail the notice. If the notice is not received by the deadline, the county auditor shall change the voter's status to "inactive" in the statewide voter registration system.
If a voter makes a written request for removal of the voter's record, the county auditor shall remove the record of the voter from the statewide voter registration system.
1959 c 675 art 2 s 13; 1973 c 676 s 11; 1981 c 29 art 2 s 16; 1987 c 361 s 8; 1989 c 7 s 1; 1991 c 227 s 7; 1993 c 101 s 1; 1993 c 223 s 4,5; 1994 c 465 art 3 s 63; 1997 c 147 s 7,8; 1999 c 132 s 7; 2004 c 293 art 1 s 13; 2008 c 165 s 2,3; 2010 c 201 s 6
NOTE: The amendment to subdivision 3 by Laws 2010, chapter 201, section 6, is effective June 1, 2011. Laws 2010, chapter 201, section 6, the effective date.