A candidate may withdraw from the primary ballot by filing an affidavit of withdrawal with the same official who received the affidavit of candidacy. The affidavit shall request that official to withdraw the candidate's name from the ballot and shall be filed no later than two days after the last day for filing for the office.
[Repealed, 1983 c 303 s 24]
(a) A candidate for a constitutional office may withdraw from the general election ballot by filing an affidavit of withdrawal with the same official who received the affidavit of candidacy. The affidavit must request that official to withdraw that candidate's name from the ballot and must be filed no later than 16 days before the general election.
(b) A candidate for a constitutional office may withdraw after the deadline in paragraph (a) if:
(1) the candidate withdraws because of a catastrophic illness that was diagnosed after the deadline for withdrawal;
(2) the candidate's illness will permanently and continuously incapacitate the candidate and prevent the candidate from performing the duties of the office sought; and
(3) the candidate or the candidate's legal guardian files with the affidavit of withdrawal a certificate verifying that the candidate's illness meets the requirements of clauses (1) and (2), signed by at least two licensed physicians.
If a candidate for governor withdraws, the secretary of state shall remove from the ballot the name of the candidate for governor and the name of that candidate's running mate for lieutenant governor.
An affidavit of withdrawal filed under this section shall not be accepted later than 5:00 p.m. on the last day for withdrawal.
1981 c 29 art 4 s 12; 1983 c 303 s 6; 1986 c 444; 1986 c 475 s 13; 1991 c 320 s 5-7; 2000 c 467 s 12