(a) An order issued by the commissioner which grants a certificate or permit must contain a service date.
(b) The person to whom the order granting the certificate or permit is issued shall do the following within 45 days from the service date of the order:
(1) register vehicles which will be used to provide transportation under the permit or certificate with the commissioner and pay the vehicle registration fees required by law;
(2) file and maintain insurance or bond as required by section 221.141 and rules of the commissioner; and
(3) file rates and tariffs as required by section 221.161 and rules of the commissioner.
The commissioner may extend the time for compliance with the requirements of subdivision 1. The person to whom the order was issued shall request the extension in writing and shall state the reasons for requesting the extension. The commissioner may not grant an extension of more than 45 days.
An order of the commissioner granting a certificate or permit to operate as a motor carrier takes effect on the date of compliance with the requirements of subdivision 1. Failure of the person to whom the order was issued to comply with the requirements of subdivision 1 within 45 days from the service date of the order, or within the extended time for compliance if an extension was granted by the commissioner, makes the order null and void upon the expiration of the time for compliance.
1984 c 520 s 12; 1999 c 238 art 2 s 53; 2001 c 213 s 30; 2009 c 64 s 40