A warehouse operator shall post conspicuously in the operator's business office by Tuesday morning of each week a statement of the amount of grain of each kind and grade in store in the warehouse at the close of business on the preceding Saturday and send a similar statement, verified by the operator or a bookkeeper having personal knowledge of the facts, to the warehouse registrar of the department. The operator shall also make a daily statement to the registrar of:
(1) the amount of each kind and grade of grain received in store in the warehouse the preceding day;
(2) the amount shipped or delivered, and the warehouse receipt canceled on the delivery, stating the number of each receipt and the amount, kind, and grade of grain shipped or delivered on it;
(3) the amount, kind, and grade of grain delivered for which no warehouse receipt was issued and how and when the grain was received, the aggregate of reported cancellation and delivery of unreceipted grain corresponding in amount, grade, and kind with the shipments and deliveries reported; and
(4) the receipts canceled upon issue of new ones, with the number of each canceled receipt and the one issued in its place.
The operator shall furnish the registrar further information regarding receipts issued or canceled necessary for a correct record of the receipts and of grain received and delivered. The operator shall send a verified statement to the department of the condition and management of each terminal warehouse under the operator's control at the times and in the form the department requires.
(5025) 1923 c 201 s 10; 1941 c 430; 1971 c 25 s 67; 1986 c 444; 1989 c 197 art 3 s 1