It is a state goal that as soon as possible, but no later than 2015, all state residents and businesses have access to high-speed broadband that provides minimum download speeds of ten to 20 megabits per second and minimum upload speeds of five to ten megabits per second.
It is a goal of the state that by 2015 and thereafter, the state be in:
(1) the top five states of the United States for broadband speed universally accessible to residents and businesses;
(2) the top five states for broadband access; and
(3) the top 15 when compared to countries globally for broadband penetration.
The commissioner of commerce must annually by February 10 report on the achievement of the goals under subdivisions 1 and 2 to the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative committees with primary jurisdiction over telecommunication issues. The report on goals under subdivision 1 must be made through 2015.
2010 c 277 s 1