For the purpose of preventing the starting and spreading of forest or prairie fires and extinguishing the same, promoting public welfare, public health, and public safety, and facilitating the work of public improvements, the electors of any organized town of this state shall have power, at their annual town meeting or at any special town meeting called in the manner provided by law for special town meetings, to authorize the town to construct, or otherwise acquire, operate, and maintain a township telephone system, including the necessary poles, wires, telephones and telephone equipment, and by itself or in conjunction with one or more other towns to construct, equip, acquire, operate, and maintain a local telephone exchange, or one or more trunk lines of wires connecting such town or towns with the local exchange, or with a local exchange owned by some other corporation or persons, and to determine by ballot the amount of money to be raised for the purposes aforesaid. No such local exchange as herein provided for shall be constructed or maintained in municipalities where a local exchange is already in operation.
(5312) 1921 c 439 s 1