The electors of such town shall have power at their annual town meeting, or at any special meeting, to determine and, in case the electors fail to do so, the town board of supervisors shall determine, the manner of payment of rentals and charges to be paid per phone for operating a local exchange service; and such charges and all tolls payable by the users of such township system shall, in the first instance, be collected by the town board or under its direction. Any local exchange may, by agreement with any town board of supervisors, collect the long-distance tolls directly from the users. No such town shall be subjected to or liable for any gross earnings or other tax by reason of moneys collected or property owned by it for such township telephone system. In case of the failure on the part of any user to pay such charges or tolls in the manner so provided, the town board may institute an action at law to collect such charges or tolls in arrears, and may also discontinue telephone service to such user, until all charges and tolls in arrears, the court costs, if any, taxed and allowed in an action to collect such arrears, and the reasonable cost of disconnecting the telephone from the general service, and reconnecting the same shall have been paid.
(5315) 1921 c 439 s 4