For the purposes of this section:
(1) "private shared services" means the provision of telephone services and equipment, the provision of video programming services, or the provision of broadband services within a user group located in discrete private premises, in building complexes, campuses, or high-rise buildings, by a commercial shared services provider or by a user association, through privately owned customer premises equipment and associated data processing and information management services and includes the provision of connections to the facilities of a local exchange and to long-distance telephone companies; and
(2) "property owner" means a person who owns or, under a contract with the owner, manages a building, property, complex, or other facility where private shared services are provided.
A property owner shall establish a single demarcation point for services and facilities provided by a telephone company providing local exchange service in the area that is mutually agreeable to the property owner, commercial shared services provider, and the telephone company. The obligation of a telephone company to provide service to a customer at a location where private shared services are operating is limited to providing telephone company service and facilities up to the demarcation point established for the property where the private shared services are operating. The property owner may not (1) impose unreasonable restrictions on access to the demarcation point on the premises by a telephone company or (2) discriminate against or in favor of an occupant in any manner, including charging the occupant higher or lower rental charges, because of the occupant's choice of telephone company.
A tenant of a building, property, complex, or other facility where private shared services are operating may establish a direct connection to and receive telephone service from a telephone company providing local exchange service in the area where the private shared services are operating. At the request of a tenant where a private shared system is operated, the property owner shall make its facilities or conduit space available to the tenant to allow the tenant to make separate connection to and to receive telephone service directly from the telephone company operating local exchange service in the area. The tenant has the choice of installing the tenant's own facilities or using the property owner's existing facilities. The property owner must provide its facilities or conduit space to the tenant at a reasonable rate and on reasonable terms and conditions. It is the obligation of the tenant to arrange for premises wire, cable, or other equipment necessary to connect the tenant's telephone equipment with the facilities of the telephone company operating local exchange service at the location of the demarcation point.
If the commission finds that a property owner has failed to comply with a request under this section, the commission may order the property owner to make its facilities or conduit space available sufficient to allow the tenant to make separate connection with the telephone company, and provide the services at reasonable prices and on reasonable terms and conditions.
A commercial shared services provider is exempt from section 237.16 if the private shared services are only provided to tenants or for the provider's own use.
A telephone company providing local exchange service shall provide service to any person in a property served by a commercial shared services provider at the demarcation point within a reasonable time upon request.
Nothing in this section requires a commercial shared services provider to share its wiring, cabling, or other facilities unless the commercial shared services provider is the property owner.
2010 c 247 s 3