For the purposes of this chapter, the terms defined in this section have the meanings given them.
"Horse racing" is any form of horse racing in which horses carry a rider or pull a sulky.
"Person" is an individual, firm, association, partnership, corporation, trustee, or legal representative, and any licensee, participant, or patron.
"Commission" is the Minnesota Racing Commission.
"Pari-mutuel betting" is the system of betting on horse races where those who bet on horses that finish in the position or positions for which bets are taken share in the total amounts bet, less deductions required or permitted by law.
"Breakage" is the odd cents of all money to be distributed based on each dollar bet exceeding a sum equal to the next lowest multiple of ten.
"Straight pool" is a licensed pari-mutuel pool in which each ticket represents a bet to win, place, or show. A "straight bet" is a bet in a straight pool.
"Multiple pool" is a licensed pari-mutuel pool other than a straight pool. A "multiple bet" is a bet in a multiple pool.
"Licensed racetrack" is a racetrack at which horse racing is conducted on the premises and which holds a class A or class D license issued by the commission.
"Racing day" is a day assigned by the commission on which live racing is conducted.
"Racing meeting" is a series of days in which racing days are not separated by more than five nonracing days.
"Average daily handle" means the total amount bet in all pari-mutuel pools at a licensed racetrack during the racing meeting divided by the number of days that horse racing was conducted at the racetrack during the racing meeting.
[Repealed, 1991 c 336 art 1 s 33]
[Repealed, 1993 c 13 art 1 s 5]
[Repealed, 1991 c 233 s 110]
"Horseperson" means a person who is currently licensed by the commission as an owner or lessee, or a trainer.
[Repealed, 1995 c 261 s 26]
"On-track pari-mutuel betting" means wagering conducted at a licensed racetrack.
"Simulcasting" means the televised display, for pari-mutuel wagering purposes, of one or more horse races conducted at another location wherein the televised display occurs simultaneously with the race being televised.
[Repealed, 1995 c 261 s 26]
[Repealed, 1995 c 261 s 26]
"Racing season" means that portion of the calendar year starting at the beginning of the day of the first live horse race conducted by the licensee and concluding at the end of the day of the last live horse race conducted by the licensee in any year.
For purposes of this chapter, the racing season begins before the first Saturday in May and continues for not less than 25 consecutive weeks.
"Full racing card" means three or more races that are: (1) part of a horse racing program being conducted at a racetrack; and (2) being simulcast or telerace simulcast at a licensed racetrack.
"Card club" means a facility or portion of a facility where the commission has authorized a licensee to conduct card playing.
"Card playing" means an activity wherein individuals compete and wager with each other utilizing a 52-unit system comprised of a series of numbers, numbered two through ten, and the letters J, Q, K, and A, combined with four symbols commonly known as hearts, diamonds, spades, and clubs, wherein each individual unit constitutes the display of one of the 52 possible combinations. The symbol commonly known as a joker may be incorporated into the system.
"Unbanked" means a wagering system or game where the individual participants compete against each other and not against the sponsor or house. In an unbanked system or game, the sponsor or house may deduct a percentage from the accumulated wagers and impose other charges for hosting the activity but does not have an interest in the outcome of a game. The sponsor or house may add additional prizes, awards, or money to any game for promotional purposes. Unbanked games include those games that involve a player pool.
"Player pool" means a wagering system or game where wagers lost in a number of card games may be accumulated into a pool for purposes of enhancing the total amount paid back to players in any other card game. In such instances, the sponsor or house may only serve as custodian of the player pool and may not have an active interest in any card game.
1983 c 214 s 1; 1985 c 212 s 1; 1988 c 696 s 1; 1989 c 141 s 1,2; 1989 c 334 art 1 s 1,2; 1991 c 336 art 1 s 1-10; 1995 c 261 s 1,2; 1999 c 206 s 1-3; 2001 c 96 s 1,2