The commissioner of corrections may, out of money appropriated for the purposes of this section, make grants to counties or groups of counties for the purpose of assisting those counties to construct or rehabilitate local adult detention facilities and to assist counties or groups of counties in the construction or rehabilitation of regional jails and lockups, workhouses, or work farms, and detention and treatment facilities for adult offenders.
MS 1990 [Renumbered subd 4]
The commissioner of corrections may, out of money appropriated for the purposes of this section, make grants to counties or groups of counties for the purpose of assisting those counties to develop and maintain adequate programs and personnel for the education, training, treatment and rehabilitation of persons admitted to the facilities described in subdivision 1. Eligible programs also include, but are not limited to, alternatives to detention or incarceration programs containing home detention components.
MS 1990 [Renumbered subd 5]
The commissioner may also receive grants of funds from the federal government or any other lawful source for the purposes of subdivisions 1 and 2. These funds are appropriated annually to the commissioner.
MS 1990 [Renumbered subd 6]
The commissioner shall establish minimum standards for the construction, rehabilitation, size, area to be served, training and treatment programs, and staff qualifications in adult facilities to be rehabilitated or constructed. Compliance with these standards constitutes a minimum requirement for the granting of assistance as provided by this section.
MS 1990 [Renumbered subd 7]
(a) A county or group of counties operating any of the adult facilities described in subdivision 1 or desiring to construct and operate or to rehabilitate existing facilities may apply for assistance under this section by submitting to the commissioner of corrections for approval its plans, specifications, budget, program for training and treatment, and staffing pattern, including personnel qualifications. The commissioner may recommend changes or modifications as the commissioner considers necessary to effect substantial compliance with the standards provided in subdivision 4. When the commissioner has determined that a county or group of counties has substantially complied with the minimum standards, or is making satisfactory progress toward compliance, the commissioner may pay to the county or groups of counties an amount not more than 50 percent of the cost of construction or rehabilitation of the facilities described in this section.
(b) In the case of improvement of a program and continued operation of a program in an adult regional facility as described in subdivision 2, the commissioner may pay to the governing board of the facility a sum not more than $1,800 per year for each adult bed.
The commissioner shall inspect at least annually each adult facility covered by this section and review its projected annual operating costs to insure continued compliance with minimum standards, and may withhold funds for noncompliance.
Completion and acceptance of new construction or rehabilitation of existing facilities must occur after July 1, 1991, to enable a county or group of counties to receive any sums provided by this section.
1971 c 735 s 1; 1986 c 444; 1991 c 292 art 8 s 4