To assist those counties or agencies that have existing programs for the female offender, and to encourage counties and agencies to develop and implement programs, the commissioner of corrections, from funds appropriated for the purposes of sections 241.70 to 241.73, shall make grants-in-aid in those counties or to agencies electing to participate in the grant program established by sections 241.70 to 241.73. The percent of matching dollars provided by the county or agency for programming established in sections 241.70 to 241.73 shall be determined by the rules of the commissioner adopted under sections 14.22 to 14.28.
To qualify for the grants-in-aid provided under this section, those counties or agencies with existing programs and those counties or agencies that want to participate shall, request that they be allowed to participate and submit an application or respond to a request for proposals in accordance with the provisions of section 241.70, subdivision 2, and the rules of the commissioner. An agency seeking funding for a program to serve female offenders on probation in a Community Corrections Act county shall obtain the endorsement of the county corrections authority before submitting a grant-in-aid application or proposal.
Where several counties or agencies combine to provide one or more of the programs under sections 241.70 to 241.73, the local matching funds shall be borne proportionately by the participating counties or agencies on the basis of need or use as determined by the rules of the commissioner.
1981 c 360 art 2 s 11; 1991 c 135 s 3