No person shall trespass or loiter upon the grounds of any state correctional facility, upon any farm or camp or other establishments belonging to a state correctional facility, or upon the grounds of any other institution or facility under the control of the commissioner of corrections without the consent of the chief executive officer thereof; nor shall any person communicate or in any way assist in establishing communication with any inmate of a state correctional facility or other institution or facility except as permitted by law or authorized by the chief executive officer thereof. Whoever violates any of the provisions hereof shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
Any person found to be trespassing or loitering upon the grounds of a state correctional facility in violation of subdivision 1 or who, being lawfully upon the grounds, introduces or attempts to introduce contraband prohibited by section 243.55 or anything usable in making an escape, or assaults or attempts to assault an officer or employee of the facility, may be taken into custody by the chief executive officer or a designated agent and detained for no more than two hours, pending surrender to any peace officer having the power of arrest.
1959 c 394; 1967 c 398 s 4; 1971 c 10 s 1; 1979 c 102 s 3; 1986 c 444