Effective May 1, 1980, the commissioner of corrections shall have only those powers and duties in sections 244.01 to 244.11, 609.10, 609.145, subdivision 1, and 609.165, subdivision 2, with relation to persons sentenced for crimes committed on or after May 1, 1980.
The commissioner of corrections shall retain all powers and duties presently vested in and imposed upon the commissioner with relation to persons sentenced for crimes committed on or before April 30, 1980.
The commissioner of corrections shall take into consideration, but not be bound by, the sentence terms embodied in the Sentencing Guidelines promulgated by the Minnesota Sentencing Guidelines Commission and the penal philosophy embodied in sections 244.01 to 244.11, 609.10, 609.145, subdivision 1, and 609.165, subdivision 2, in its deliberations relative to parole, probation, release, or other disposition of inmates who commit the crimes giving rise to their sentences on or before April 30, 1980.
Nothing in sections 244.01 to 244.11, 609.10, 609.145, subdivision 1, and 609.165, subdivision 2, shall be deemed to limit the powers and duties otherwise provided by law to the commissioner of corrections with regard to the management of correctional institutions or the disposition of inmates unless those powers and duties are inconsistent with the provisions of sections 244.01 to 244.11, 609.10, 609.145, subdivision 1, and 609.165, subdivision 2, in which case those powers and duties shall be superseded by sections 244.01 to 244.11, 609.10, 609.145, subdivision 1, and 609.165, subdivision 2.
1978 c 723 art 1 s 8; 1980 c 417 s 15; 1983 c 274 s 18; 1986 c 444; 1998 c 367 art 6 s 15; 2008 c 277 art 1 s 31