By January 15 of each year, the commissioner shall report to the chairs and ranking minority members of the house of representatives and senate committees having jurisdiction over criminal justice policy and funding on the implementation and effects of the felony level driving while impaired offense. The report must include the following information on felony level driving while impaired offenses involving offenders committed to the commissioner's custody:
(1) the number of persons committed;
(2) the county of conviction;
(3) the offenders' ages and gender;
(4) the offenders' prior impaired driving histories and prior criminal histories;
(5) the number of offenders:
(i) given an executed prison sentence upon conviction and the length of the sentence;
(ii) given an executed prison sentence upon revocation of probation, the reasons for revocation, and the length of sentence;
(iii) who successfully complete treatment in prison;
(iv) placed on intensive supervision following release from incarceration;
(v) placed in the challenge incarceration program, the number of offenders released from prison under this program, and the number of these offenders who violate their release conditions and the consequences imposed; and
(vi) who violate supervised release and the consequences imposed;
(6) per diem costs, including treatment costs, for offenders incarcerated under the felony sentence provisions; and
(7) any other information the commissioner deems relevant to estimating future costs.
2009 c 83 art 3 s 12