The standards in this chapter govern services to persons with developmental disabilities receiving services from license holders providing residential-based habilitation; day training and habilitation services for adults; supported employment; semi-independent living services; residential programs that serve more than four consumers, including intermediate care facilities for persons with developmental disabilities; and respite care provided outside the consumer's home for more than four consumers at the same time at a single site.
(a) ICF's/MR are exempt from:
(1) section 245B.04;
(2) section 245B.06, subdivisions 4 and 6; and
(3) section 245B.07, subdivisions 4, paragraphs (b) and (c); 7; and 8, paragraph (a), clause (4), and paragraph (b).
(b) License holders also licensed under chapter 144 as a supervised living facility are exempt from section 245B.04.
(c) Residential service sites controlled by license holders licensed under this chapter for home and community-based waivered services for four or fewer adults are exempt from compliance with Minnesota Rules, parts 9543.0040, subpart 2, item C; 9555.5505; 9555.5515, items B and G; 9555.5605; 9555.5705; 9555.6125, subparts 3, item C, subitem (2), and 4 to 6; 9555.6185; 9555.6225, subpart 8; 9555.6245; 9555.6255; and 9555.6265; and as provided under section 245B.06, subdivision 2, the license holder is exempt from the program abuse prevention plans and individual abuse prevention plans otherwise required under sections 245A.65, subdivision 2, and 626.557, subdivision 14. The commissioner may approve alternative methods of providing overnight supervision using the process and criteria for granting a variance in section 245A.04, subdivision 9. This chapter does not apply to foster care homes that do not provide residential habilitation services funded under the home and community-based waiver programs defined in section 256B.092.
(d) Residential service sites controlled by license holders licensed under this chapter for home and community-based waivered services for four or fewer children are exempt from compliance with Minnesota Rules, parts 2960.3060, subpart 3, items B and C; 2960.3070; 2960.3100, subpart 1, items C, F, and I; and 2960.3210.
(e) The commissioner may exempt license holders from applicable standards of this chapter when the license holder meets the standards under section 245A.09, subdivision 7. License holders that are accredited by an independent accreditation body shall continue to be licensed under this chapter.
(f) License holders governed by sections 245B.02 to 245B.07 must also meet the licensure requirements in chapter 245A.
(g) Nothing in this chapter prohibits license holders from concurrently serving consumers with and without developmental disabilities provided this chapter's standards are met as well as other relevant standards.
(h) The documentation that sections 245B.02 to 245B.07 require of the license holder meets the individual program plan required in section 256B.092 or successor provisions.
(a) When a consumer changes service to the same type of service provided under a different license held by the same license holder and the policies and procedures under section 245B.07, subdivision 8, are substantially similar, the license holder is exempt from the requirements in sections 245B.06, subdivisions 2, paragraphs (e) and (f), and 4; and 245B.07, subdivision 9, clause (2).
(b) When a direct service staff person begins providing direct service under one or more licenses other than the license for which the staff person initially received the staff orientation requirements under section 245B.07, subdivision 5, the license holder is exempt from all staff orientation requirements under section 245B.07, subdivision 5, except that:
(1) if the service provision location changes, the staff person must receive orientation regarding any policies or procedures under section 245B.07, subdivision 8, that are specific to the service provision location; and
(2) if the staff person provides direct service to one or more consumers for whom the staff person has not previously provided direct service, the staff person must review each consumer's: (i) service plans and risk management plan in accordance with section 245B.07, subdivision 5, paragraph (b), clause (1); and (ii) medication administration in accordance with section 245B.07, subdivision 5, paragraph (b), clause (6).
1997 c 248 s 37; 2001 c 203 s 2; 1Sp2003 c 14 art 6 s 13,14; 2004 c 288 art 1 s 33; 2005 c 56 s 1