(a) The license holder must provide outcome-based services in response to the consumer's identified needs as specified in the individual service plan.
(b) Services must be based on the needs and preferences of the consumer and the consumer's personal goals and be consistent with the principles of least restrictive environment, self-determination, and consistent with:
(1) the recognition of each consumer's history, dignity, and cultural background;
(2) the affirmation and protection of each consumer's civil and legal rights;
(3) the provision of services and supports for each consumer which:
(i) promote community inclusion and self-sufficiency;
(ii) provide services in the least restrictive environment;
(iii) promote social relationships, natural supports, and participation in community life;
(iv) allow for a balance between safety and opportunities; and
(v) provide opportunities for the development and exercise of age-appropriate skills, decision making and choice, personal advocacy, and communication; and
(4) the provision of services and supports for families which address the needs of the consumer in the context of the family and support family self-sufficiency.
(c) The license holder must make available to the consumer opportunities to participate in the community, functional skill development, reduced dependency on care providers, and opportunities for development of decision-making skills. "Outcome" means the behavior, action, or status attained by the consumer that can be observed, measured, and can be determined reliable and valid. Outcomes are the equivalent of the long-range goals and short-term goals referenced in section 256B.092, and any rules promulgated under that section.
(a) The license holder must develop, document in writing, and implement a risk management plan that meets the requirements of this subdivision. License holders licensed under this chapter are exempt from sections 245A.65, subdivision 2, and 626.557, subdivision 14, if the requirements of this subdivision are met.
(b) The risk management plan must identify areas in which the consumer is vulnerable, based on an assessment, at a minimum, of the following areas:
(1) an adult consumer's susceptibility to physical, emotional, and sexual abuse as defined in section 626.5572, subdivision 2, and financial exploitation as defined in section 626.5572, subdivision 9; a minor consumer's susceptibility to sexual and physical abuse as defined in section 626.556, subdivision 2; and a consumer's susceptibility to self-abuse, regardless of age;
(2) the consumer's health needs, considering the consumer's physical disabilities; allergies; sensory impairments; seizures; diet; need for medications; and ability to obtain medical treatment;
(3) the consumer's safety needs, considering the consumer's ability to take reasonable safety precautions; community survival skills; water survival skills; ability to seek assistance or provide medical care; and access to toxic substances or dangerous items;
(4) environmental issues, considering the program's location in a particular neighborhood or community; the type of grounds and terrain surrounding the building; and the consumer's ability to respond to weather-related conditions, open locked doors, and remain alone in any environment; and
(5) the consumer's behavior, including behaviors that may increase the likelihood of physical aggression between consumers or sexual activity between consumers involving force or coercion, as defined under section 245B.02, subdivision 10, clauses (6) and (7).
(c) When assessing a consumer's vulnerability, the license holder must consider only the consumer's skills and abilities, independent of staffing patterns, supervision plans, the environment, or other situational elements.
(d) License holders jointly providing services to a consumer shall coordinate and use the resulting assessment of risk areas for the development of each license holder's risk management or the shared risk management plan. The license holder's plan must include the specific actions a staff person will take to protect the consumer and minimize risks for the identified vulnerability areas. The specific actions must include the proactive measures being taken, training being provided, or a detailed description of actions a staff person will take when intervention is needed.
(e) Prior to or upon initiating services, a license holder must develop an initial risk management plan that is, at a minimum, verbally approved by the consumer or consumer's legal representative and case manager. The license holder must document the date the license holder receives the consumer's or consumer's legal representative's and case manager's verbal approval of the initial plan.
(f) As part of the meeting held within 45 days of initiating service, as required under section 245B.06, subdivision 4, the license holder must review the initial risk management plan for accuracy and revise the plan if necessary. The license holder must give the consumer or consumer's legal representative and case manager an opportunity to participate in this plan review. If the license holder revises the plan, or if the consumer or consumer's legal representative and case manager have not previously signed and dated the plan, the license holder must obtain dated signatures to document the plan's approval.
(g) After plan approval, the license holder must review the plan at least annually and update the plan based on the individual consumer's needs and changes to the environment. The license holder must give the consumer or consumer's legal representative and case manager an opportunity to participate in the ongoing plan development. The license holder shall obtain dated signatures from the consumer or consumer's legal representative and case manager to document completion of the annual review and approval of plan changes.
(a) The license holder shall assess and reassess the consumer within stated time lines and assessment areas specified in the individual service plan or as requested in writing by the case manager.
(b) For each area of assessment requested, the license holder must provide a written summary, analysis, and recommendations for use in the development of the individual service plan.
(c) All assessments must include information about the consumer that is descriptive of:
(1) the consumer's strengths and functional skills; and
(2) the level of support and supervision the consumer needs to achieve the outcomes in subdivision 1.
The license holder, in coordination with other service providers, shall meet with the consumer, the consumer's legal representative, case manager, and other members of the interdisciplinary team within 45 days of service initiation. Within ten working days after the meeting, the license holder shall develop and document in writing:
(1) the methods that will be used to support the individual or accomplish the outcomes in subdivision 1, including information about physical and social environments, the equipment and materials required, and techniques that are consistent with the consumer's communication mode and learning style specified as the license holder's responsibility in the individual service plan;
(2) the projected starting date for service supports and the criteria for identifying when the desired outcome has been achieved and when the service supports need to be reviewed; and
(3) the names of the staff, staff position, or contractors responsible for implementing each outcome.
The license holder must participate in progress review meetings following stated time lines established in the consumer's individual service plan or as requested in writing by the consumer, the consumer's legal representative, or the case manager, at a minimum of once a year. The license holder must summarize the progress toward achieving the desired outcomes and make recommendations in a written report sent to the consumer or the consumer's legal representative and case manager prior to the review meeting.
The license holder shall provide written reports regarding the consumer's status as requested by the consumer, or the consumer's legal representative and case manager.
The license holder must provide supervision to ensure the health, safety, and protection of rights of each consumer and to be able to implement each consumer's individual service plan. Day training and habilitation programs must meet the minimum staffing requirements as specified in sections 252.40 to 252.46 and rules promulgated under those sections.
Each consumer requiring a 24-hour plan of care shall receive services during the day outside the residence unless otherwise specified in the individual's service plan. License holders, providing services to consumers living in a licensed site, shall ensure that they are prepared to care for consumers whenever they are at the residence during the day because of illness, work schedules, or other reasons.
Day training and habilitation services must meet a minimum of 195 available service days.
Psychotropic medication and the use of aversive and deprivation procedures, as referenced in section 245.825 and rules promulgated under that section, cannot be used as a substitute for adequate staffing, as punishment, or for staff convenience.
1997 c 248 s 40; 1998 c 407 art 6 s 6; 1Sp2003 c 14 art 3 s 2; art 6 s 16,17